
(EN) Sachie Kobayashi (1990) now takes an interest in more intuitive creation and musical expression related to social phenomena.

Born in Kanagawa, Japan, she began studying piano at the age of seven. And she started studying composition at the age of twenty.

She received some scholarships and grants, especially the Swiss Confederation Excellence Scholarship, the fellowship by the Program of Overseas Study for Upcoming Artists sponsored by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Nomura Fondation and Kakehashi Foundation. Immediately after her arrival in Europe, her works were presented worldwide and she participated in several festivals. She worked with numerous ensembles and musicians including Klangforum Wien, Ensemble Modern, Ensemble Reconcil, Ensemble Proton Bern, mdi Ensemble, percussion CYTi, Orchestre de la HEM, Ensemble 21, The Geidai Philharmonia Orchestra.

In 2021 to 2022 she participated in the Cursus de composition et d'informatique musicale by IRCAM (Paris, France), supervised by Pierre Jodlowski. Also, she is a shortlisted for the « World New Music Days 2021 » by ISCM and selected « Protonwerk no. 11. » by ensemble Proton Bern (Switzerland). She got « Special Mention » by Ars Electronica Forum Wallis Selection 2020 with her acousmatic works. She also collaborated with Daniel Künzi, film director, with his documentary film « pomme de discorde ». For the video art she collaborated with Ekaterina Kostelskaya, multidisciplinary artist who explores the correlation between the physical space and the physicality of sound. In recent years, she began her involvement in stage production with videos in the concert.

In 2020, « I haven’t known you yet » for orchestra and electronics was premiered by the HEM Orchestra, conducted by Pierre Bleuse.

She started her career as a composer while complementing her research as her second master in education of music theory at Haute école de musique de Genève after completed her master's degree in 2020 at the same conservatory, with Michael Jarrell, Luis Naon et Gilbert Nouno. In Japan, she received her bachelor’s diploma (Cultural Creative Studies) from Aoyama Gakuin University. Also, she studied at the Tokyo University of Arts(GEIDAI, bachelor of composition) with Akio Yasuraoka. In 2018, she won the Acanthus Prize and the Taito Mayor Prize.

(JP) 神奈川県生まれ。20歳より作曲を学び、その後フランスにてアーティストビザを取得し、ヨーロッパを中心に音楽教育現場からクリエーションまで、幅広く活動を続けている。 令和元年度文化庁新進芸術家海外研修制度研修員。スイス政府優秀奨学金奨学生。また公益財団法人野村財団、公益財団法人かけはし芸術文化振興財団、Fondation Hans Wilsdorf、Ville de Genève、Fondation Simon I. Patiñoなど数々の助成を国内外より受ける。 impuls International Composition Competition 2023受賞、Ars Electronica Forum Wallis Selection 2020 Highly commended獲得、2021年ISCM World Music Days(世界音楽の日々)最終選考推薦。2022年IRCAM(フランス国立音響音楽研究所)作曲研究課程(Cursus)修了。 Klangforum Wien, Ensemble Modern, Ensemble Reconcil, Ensemble Proton Bern, mdi Ensemble, percussion CYTi, Orchestre de la HEM, Ensemble 21,The Geidai Philharmonia Orchestraなど共演。

また、スイスの映像作家Daniel Kunzi のドキュメンタリー映画『pomme de discorde』への音楽提供や、ヴィデオアーティスト、エカテリーナ・コステルスカヤとのコラボレーションも行っている。2023年にはパリ国立高等美術学校(École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts)のアーティストらとマルチメディアやダンスとのコラボレーションに取り組み、2024年、フランスのLe Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporainsとIRCAMのコラボレーションにて、Robin Touchard監修作品のサウンドデザインに参加するなど、数々の共同制作、委嘱、実践に精力的に活動している。

スイス・ジュネーブ高等音楽院(Haute école de musique de Genève)作曲科修士課程および音楽教育科修士課程修了。Conseil d'État賞、Prix Tremplin Leenaards/HEMを受賞。青山学院大学、東京藝術大学音楽学部作曲科卒。卒業時に、アカンサス賞、台東区長賞を受賞。Pierre Jodlowski、Michael Jarrell、Luis Naon、Gilbert Nouno、安良岡章夫、寺嶋陸也の各氏に師事。

Prizes, Scholarships

  • Conseil d’État Prize, Geneva, Switzerland

  • Leenaards Springboard Prize 2023 / HEM

  • impuls. International Composition Competition (2023) impuls Festival 2023, Graz, Austria

  • Artist Grant (2021) City of Geneva and Simon I. Patiño Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland

  • Finalist for Swiss Section (2021) International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) World Music Days, Switzerland

  • Artist Grant (2021-2023) Nomura Foundation, Japan

  • Protonwerk No.11, Ensemble Proton Bern, Switzerland

  • Scholarship (2021) Kakehashi Foundation, Japan

  • Scholarship Fondation Hans Wilsdorf (2020), Switzerland

  • Special Mention (2020) Selection for the Forum Wallis at Ars Electronica 2020 for acousmatic works, Switzerland

  • Artist Study Grant (2019) Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship, Switzerland

  • Artist Grant (2019) Fellowship through the Program for Emerging Artists Abroad, sponsored by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan

  • Taito City Mayor Award (2018)

  • Acunthus Award (2018)


  • Computer Music Training program
    date: [2021, 2022]
    institution: Institut de recherche et coordination acoustique/musique, Paris
    country: France
    Cursus Program on Composition and Computer Music
  • Master of Arts
    field: Music education
    institution: Haute École de Musique de Genève
    country: Switzerland
    date: [2020, 2023]
    Specialization in music theory
  • Master of Arts
    field: Composition and music theory
    institution: Haute École de Musique de Genève
    country: Switzerland
    date: [2018, 2020]
    Specialization in composition
  • Bachelor of Arts
    field: Composition
    institution: Tokyo University of the Arts
    country: Japan
    date: [2014, 2018]
    Acanthus award and directer of Taito Ward award
  • Bachelor of Arts
    field: Cultural and Creative Studies
    institution: Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo
    country: Japan
    date: [2009, 2013]